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  e-grading help  
     Definition of Grades
     "I" and "T" grade clarification
     Glossary of Terms
     Security Pages
     What do the links & buttons mean?
Definition of Grades
  A, A-: Excellent performance, superior achievement
  B+, B, B-: Good performance, substantial achievement
  C+, C, C-: Standard performance and achievement
  D+, D, D-: Substandard performance, marginal achievement
  E: Unsatisfactory performance and achievement
  EU: Non-attendance, Unofficial withdrawal
  CR/NC: Credit, No Credit
  I: Incomplete, changes to an E after one calendar year
  T: Thesis or independent work in progress
  P/F: Pass, Fail grades reserved for Medical and Law students only
"I" and "T" grade clarification
Courses with a course number of 3 or higher as a first digit and 8 or higher as the second digit are graded with a "T" grade. All other courses are graded with an "I" grade.

Course numbers that are graded with a "T" grade.

Course numbers that are graded with an "I" grade.
Glossary of Terms
Class Specific Note - This note field is located at the bottom of every grade roster and is used to enter the names and student ID numbers of any student who attended the class, but whose name is not listed on the grade roster.

Clear - Resets all of the entered grades to a blank page but RETAINS the last saved information.

Drop Down List of Grades - Every student that is eligible to receive a grade will have a drop down list of grades next to his/her name. The person grading the class must choose a grade from the list presented.

Grade Another Class - This link is available at the very bottom of every grade roster. Selecting this link will open up a selection box where the person grading the class may select another class to grade.

Grade Roster - The web page where grades are viewed, entered, saved and posted for a specific class.

Grade Roster Body - The body of the grade roster contains, the students' names, ID numbers, units and an input field to enter the final grades.

Grade Roster Header - The header is always located at the top of the grade roster and contains the instructor's name, subject, catalog number, section, class component, title of the class, days taught, time and location of the class.

Grant Security to Other Employees - This security link is featured at the top left of each grade roster and is available for primary instructors to grant security access to other departmental employees.

Post - Immediately posts the entered grades to the students' transcript. After selecting the Post Button the grades are official and final.

Reset - Resets all of the entered grades to a blank page and ERASES any saved information.

Save - Saves the entered grades in the grade roster without posting them to the student transcript. The save button is presented at the top of the page, the bottom of the pages and every 50 students to accommodate a large class.

Set Default Grade of Every Student - This grade roster feature is available at the top right of each grade roster and is designed to allow an instructor, or department official, the option to give all students in a class the same grade.

Student Specific Note - This note field will become available when a student has been assigned an Incomplete (I) grade. The person entering the grades will be required to enter the terms and conditions required for that specific student to finish the Incomplete.

Security Pages
Full grading security access is automatically granted to the primary instructor. Primary instructors may delegate grading security access to other department officials.

There are three types of grading security access:
  1. POST access allows a person to view, enter, save, and post grades to the student's record.
  2. SAVE access allows a person to enter and save grades, as well as view the grade roster.
  3. VIEW ONLY access allows a person to view the grade roster.

Can I delegate grading access to anyone?
No, grading access can only be delegated to current University of Utah employees.

If I delegate grading access to a person this semester will they still have access next semester?
No, the delegating of grading access has to be done each semester

Will I always have security to the classes that I teach?
As long as you are listed as the Primary Instructor for the class, you will have full grading access.

I delegated grading security to my teaching assistant and I want to double-check the grades that were posted, how could I do this?
To check the grades that were submitted by one of your delegates, click on the View Grades link and enter the class information. The posted grades will be displayed along with who posted them and when.
What do the links & buttons mean?
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